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It is hard to believe summer is over, but it is easy to get excited about the possibilities of a new school year. 

This week, August 21, we will meet at Living Hope Global Methodist Church again.  SEE IT ON A MAP.


Pulled Chicken Sandwiches, Chips, Ice Cream Sandwiches.


Around the World PingPong, Dipping Bananas, and the games set up from last week (3 holes of mini golf, carpetball, air hockey).


Last week, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. But it wasn't like the Sauerkraut Day's Wrestler/Volleyball auction. This was severe slavery. But God was not surprised. He has a plan and uses everything for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. This is a new start for Joseph. He is forced into a situation that he did not choose. It is not like having to go back to school, but there are some lessons we can learn about how to handle the transitions in our lives. Lessons that might apply to things like going back to school.