Uncommon Church is a non-denominational, God-Honoring, Jesus Exalting, Bible-Centered Church.

Non-denominational means that we don't have a direct affiliation with a larger organization or denomination. While we don't have that direct affiliation, we desire to partner with other God-honoring, Jesus-Exalting, Bible-Centered churches to influence and enhance our community.

God-Honoring means that we see the God of the Bible as the one worthy of supreme honor. Therefore, we seek to love and serve God with our affections, attitudes, and our actions in everything we are and do.

Jesus-Exalting means that we believe Jesus is God with us and worthy of all honor and praise because he loves us, gave himself for us, and holds the highest place of power and authority. Therefore, we seek to obey his words and follow his example because we believe He is our truth, life, and way to peace and joy. 

Bible-Centered means we acknowledge the Bible as God's word, teach it as God's truth, and apply it to our lives as God's authority. 

Why use a name like Uncommon Church?

Simply put, we chose our name because we believe that Jesus transforms us into Uncommon People with Uncommon Purpose.

This is the the story of the whole Bible. 

In the beginning, God created... Whatever your view of how all things came to be, it is hard not to argue that humans are unique! The bible says that the essence of this uniqueness is the image of God imprinted in every person. God shared part of Himself with humankind because He desires relationship with us. 

The Bible also teaches that the image of God in humans has been damaged and the intended relationship broken. The Bible uses the word "sin" to describe what caused that damage. Sin is introduced into the world through selfish rebellion motivated by a desire to be equal with God. That desire is still present in ever human, and it leads to separation from God and darkness of heart, mind, and soul.

But from the very first rebellion, God had a plan to fix this problem. He provides a way for the image of God in humans to be renewed and the relationship with Him to be restored.

The plan required a selfless act of obedience by one who was worthy to be equal with God. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the one and that He laid down his life so that humans could have a new life.  A life connected to God and radiating with light.

1 Peter 2:9-10 says;

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."

Our name, Uncommon Church, reminds us of that story and encourages us to live in light of the truth that God loves us, saved us, and has a plan for our lives.

Through faith in Jesus Christ we become uncommon people with uncommon purpose.