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This week at U|C Youth


We will serve Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken, Garlic Bread, Chocolate-Dipped Frozen Bananas, Chocolate Milk, and Lemonade.

We are partnering with Living Hope Global Methodist Church to staff their food tent during Sauerkraut Days.  Serving the Chocolate-Dipped Bananas is a test of a menu item we are adding for this year.  While they turn out well at home, serving them to the students will help us determine how to scale up production and give us unbiased feedback.


Rain is forecast for most of the morning and early afternoon, and it may still be wet outside. We will plan some indoor activities for the night. The activities will include Four On A Couch, the word game Bowls, and a twist on a picture-drawing game.


We are near the end of Jacob's life. We have traced his story through Genesis (chapters 28-35) for the last couple of weeks.  Jacob's spiritual journey is a good example of what many people experience. We saw Jacob doing whatever he could to make things better for himself, which ended badly for him. He is forced to flee his brother's anger. On the way to his uncle's, he has an experience with God that creates an awareness of God that's different than before. While living with his uncle, Jacob gets a taste of his own medicine when his uncle lies to and cheats Jacob on ten different occasions.  All of this works on Jacob's heart, and he becomes more and more sensitive to God at work in his life. Eventually, Jacob is prompted to head back home. He packs up all that belongs to him and heads out, knowing he must face his brother. This week, we will pick up the story in chapter 32, as Jacob has another encounter with God that takes his understanding of who God is and what God has done and is doing in his life to a whole new level.