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It's dead week. Another reminder that summer is going by fast.

Here's what's in store tonight at U|C Youth!


Chicken Nuggets, Chips, Apple Sauce, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Chocolate Milk, and Lemonade.


It looks like the rain is over for the day, so we will be outside. Living Hope Church is bringing their 9 Square tonight, and then we will have a mini Olympics competition. 


We've been moving through Jacob's faith journey across several chapters of Genesis. This week, he reconciles with his brother Esau, showing us another sign of spiritual life and growth in him. God continues to work in Jacob's life and through Jacob's life to move forward His mission in the world. It is encouraging to see that God is at work in and through a man who, while changing for the better, has still not "arrived." It is a comfort to those of us who might find outselves in a similar place, on the move but having not "arrived".

If you haven't filled out our release form, you can do that HERE.

If you'd like to help with food, you can sign up HERE.

If you'd like to make a donation, you can do that HERE.

Thanks for allowing us to build into the lives of your students!